The company‘s 2023 staff meeting and 2022 annual general meeting on 6 February in the Gem Hall on the 3rd floor of the Sun City , followed by a dinner.
The staff of each department arranged their work and arrived at the restaurant before 16:00 that afternoon. Today also happens to be President-Tom Zhang's birthday, we all sang the song“Happy Birthday” for Tom!
接着张总作了重要讲话,总结了过去一年的工作和疫情三年多来公司的发展态势,对大家过去一年的辛勤工作表示感谢,同时指出公司与员工是荣辱与共,休戚相关的关系,唇亡齿寒,一荣俱荣,一损俱损, 大家要珍惜在公司工作的机会,同时,经历过疫情,患难与共, 公司对每一个员工倍加珍惜 , 希冀在座的各位踔厉奋发,勇毅前行,开启新的征程,努力创造天堃公司更加美好灿烂的明天!
President Zhang then made an important speech, summarizing the work of the past year and the development of the company over the past three years due to the epidemic. He thanked everyone for their hard work over the past year, and pointed out that the company and its employees share weal and woe, we are all related to each other. Both prosperity and loss, Everyone should cherish the opportunity to work in the company. At the same time, having experienced the epidemic, we will share weal and woe together. The company cherishes every employee even more, i hope that all of you here will make great efforts to forge ahead and start a new journey, and strive to create a better and more brilliant future for Skyland company!
宴会开始前,大家先玩了个热身游戏‘’财源滚滚, 日进斗金‘’,然后张总祝词,大家共饮杯中美酒,掀开了晚宴序幕!
Before the banquet started, everyone played a warm-up game, 'money is rolling in, money is pouring in every day' . Then, President Zhang gave a toast, and everyone drank the wine in their glasses. The banquet kicked off!
在宴会进行过程中, 穿插了游戏和抽奖环节,觥筹交错中,大家其乐融融,喜笑颜开!最后,晚宴在大家的祝福声中结束。大家怀抱着各式各样的礼品离开了酒店, 休息好准备投入到新一天的工作中去。
In the course of the banquet, interspersed with the game and the lucky draw link, drinking and intermingling, everyone happy, smiling! Finally, the dinner ended with everyone's blessing. We left the hotel with a variety of gifts, ready to rest and engage in a new day's work.